Our Team

Connection Network Agencies

Sean Hamilton
President & PrincipalSean has over 12 years of experience in the Architectural Door Hardware business which has book-ended a very successful 20-year retail career. Sean is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the company & focusing on customer & vendor relationships.
Tel: 1-416-908-1964
Email: sean@connectionnetwork.ca

Kevin Hamilton
Vice President & PrincipalKevin has spent over 3 decades in the Architectural Door and Hardware, Glass and Glazing and Security Markets. Whether serving in his roles at the Presidential level for multiple Manufacturers, or though his 15 years operating as an Independent Consultant, Kevin is a relationship expert throughout the various channels of the industry. With his extensive network of Specification Writers, Sales Professionals, & Manufacturers, Kevin has a special talent for bringing the right people together in environments conducive for creating unique opportunities at the right times. He is instrumental in our growth strategies serving as Vice President at Connection Network Agencies.
Tel: 1-716-228-0487
Email: kevin@connectionnetwork.ca

Greg Russ
Architectural Hardware ConsultantGreg comes to us with 20+ years in the door hardware industry and has end-to-end knowledge of the entire door opening from the simplest components, door hardware, access control and full energy automatics. His vast business background includes locksmith, factory territory sales consultant, project management and automatic operator service & installation.
Tel: 1-519-465-4520
Email: greg@connectionnetwork.ca

Heather Scott
Communication & Development Manager, Accounts Receivable & PayablesHeather has been with us for 7+ years and is responsible for communication & marketing with our customers & vendors. Heather comes to us with over 30 years of diverse business management and customer service experience.
Tel: 1-647-549-5565
Email: heather@connectionnetwork.ca

Sandra Hamilton
Customer Service, Sales, Shipping & ReceivingWe welcome Sandra to our team! Sandra brings with her an extensive background in retail sales & merchandising. Sandra is responsible for customer service, order fulfillment, order inquiries & inventory management.
Tel: 1-905-823-3002
Email: sandra@connectionnetwork.ca
Click here to download Connection Network Agencies current Contact List.
Sales Representatives for Locksmith Distribution & Contract Hardware

British Columbia
Anfield Sales Agency Ltd.Brad McGaffney - Tel: 1-604-828-7706 Email: bmcgaffney@anfieldsales.com

TSL Merit Ltd.Ron Kasper - Tel: 1-780-499-6986 Email: tslmerit@telus.net

Saskatchewan & Manitoba
Connection Network AgenciesSean Hamilton - Tel: 1-416-908-1964 Email: sean@connectionnetwork.ca

Connection Network AgenciesSean Hamilton - Tel: 1-416-908-1964 Email: sean@connectionnetwork.ca

Connection Network AgenciesGreg Russ - Tel: 1-519-465-4520 Email: greg@connectionnetwork.ca

Services CNGChristian Godon - Tel: 1-888-675-3032 Email: info@servicescng.com

Atlantic Canada
Services CNGChristian Godon - Tel: 1-888-675-3032 Email: info@servicescng.com